اسلاید 51
Is your research question.
 Confirmatory or
predictive in nature?
– If so, use Quantitative
 Exploratory or
interpretive in nature?
– If so, use Qualitative
Is the available research literature.
 Relatively large?
– If so, use Quantitative
 Limited or nonexistent?
– If so, use Qualitative
اسلاید 53
Do you have skills in.
 Statistics and
deductive reasoning,
and able to write in a
technical and scientific
– If so, use Quantitative
 Inductive reasoning,
attentiveness to detail,
and able to write in a
more literary,
narrative style?
– If so, use Qualitative
اسلاید 54
Choosing the right” method
Different research methods are
appropriate for different research
questions. No single approach is best
for all the questions that can be asked
regarding any particular behavioral
What leads some students to be more
successful readers than other students?”
 Can I predict who is likely to have reading difficulties?”
 What is the best method of teaching reading?”
 What are the norms for a population for the
development of reading skill?” (Descriptive)
 What are the conditions of reading instruction and
learning in today’s classrooms?” (Qualitative)
اسلاید 60
An eight step model:
Steps in planning a research study
Step I: formulating a research problem
Step II: conceptualizing a research design
Step III: constructing an instrument for data collection
Step IV: selecting a sample
Step V: writing a research proposal
Steps in conducting a study
Step VI: collecting data.
Step VII: processing data
Step VIII: writing a research report
STEP I: Formulating a research problem
Reviewing the literature
Formulating a research problem
Identifying variables
Constructing hypotheses
اسلاید 68
Reviewing the literature
Place of literature review in research
•It provides a theoretical background to your study.
•It reviews the means by which you establish the links between what
you are proposing to examine and what has already been studied. In
other words, it helps you to refine your research methodology.
•Through the literature review you are able to show how your findings
have contributed to the existing body of knowledge in your
•It enables you to contextualize your findings.
اسلاید 69
Reviewing the literature
 It also helps you to:
– bring clarity and focus to your research problem;
– improve your methodology;
– broaden your knowledge base in your research area.
– contextualize your findings.
اسلاید 70
Reviewing the literature
Procedure for reviewing the literature
There are four steps involved in conducting a
literan1re review:
1. search for existing literature in your area of study;
2. review the literature selected;
3. develop a theoretical framework;
4. develop a conceptual framework.
اسلاید 82
Reviewing the literature
2- Review the literature selected
– Note whether the knowledge relevant to your theoretical framework has
been confirmed beyond doubt.
– Note the theories put forward, the criticisms of these and their basis, the
methodologies adopted (study design, sample size and its characteristics,
measurement procedures, etc.) and the criticisms of them.
– Examine to what extent the findings can be generalized to other situations.
– Notice where there are significant differences of opinion among
researchers and give your opinion about the validity of these differences.
– Ascertain the areas in ,which little or nothing is known-the gaps that exist
in the body of knowledge.
اسلاید 83
Develop a theoretical framework
– your theoretical framework provides you ,with.
a guide as you read
اسلاید 84
3- Develop a theoretical framework
 Your theoretical framework refers to the underlying
theoretical approach that you adopt to underpin your study.
اسلاید 85
4- Develop a conceptual framework
The conceptual frame stems from the theoretical framework and
concentrates, usually, on one section of that theoretical framework
which becomes the basis of your study.
The latter consists of the theories or issues in which your study is
embedded, whereas the former describes the aspects you selected from
the theoretical framework to become the basis of your inquiry.
The conceptual framework is the basis of your research problem.
The conceptual framework defines and organizes the concepts important
within your study.
اسلاید 87
The research problem
– The first and most important step of the research
– The research problem serves as the foundation of a
research study: if it is well formulated, you can expect a
good study to follow.
– If one wants to solve a problem, one must generally
know what the problem is. It can be said that a large
part of the problem lies in knowing what one is trying
to do (Kerlinger,1986: 17).
اسلاید 88
Formulating a research problem
Sources of research problems
– Most research in the humanities revolves
around four Ps:
• People (individuals, organisations, groups, communities)
• Problems (i.e. issues, situations, associations, needs, population,
composition, profile, etc.)
• Programs (i.e. structure, contents, outcomes, attributes, satisfaction,
consumers, and service provider.)
• Phenomena (cause and effect relationship, and the study of a given
phenomenon itself.)
Formulating a research problem
 Sources of research problems
– Every research study has two aspects:
1. the study population;
2. the subject area.
اسلاید 90
Formulating a research problem
 Considerations in selecting a research problem
– Interest
– Magnitude (Not too broad or too big, Not too narrow, Manageable,
specific and clear)
– Measurement of concepts
– level of expertise
– relevance (contributes to the improvement and understanding of educational theory and
practice, Relevant to your area of professional),
– availability of data
– ethical issues (Do no harm to person/society involved)
Formulating a research problem
 Steps in the formulation of a research problem
1. Identify a broad field or subject area of interest to you.
2. Dissect the broad area into subareas.
3. Select what is of most interest to you.
4. Raise research questions.
5. Formulate objectives.
6. Assess your objectives.
7. Double-check.
The formulation of objectives
– Objectives are the goals you set out to attain in
your study.
– Objectives should be listed under two headings:
• main objective: an overall statement of the thrust of
your study
• Sub-objectives: the specific aspects of the topic that
you want to investigate witl1in the main framework
of your study
اسلاید 97
Establishing operational definitions
– In defining the proble1n you may use certain
words or items that are difficult to measure
and/or the understanding of which may vary
from respondent to respondent.
– Example: the main objectives are:
• to find out the number of children living below the poverty line in Australia;
• to ascertain the impact of immigration on fami1y roles among immigrants.
• to measure the effectiveness of a retraining program designed to help young
اسلاید 99
Example of Establishing Operational
Main objective – to find out the number of
children living below the poverty line in
– Define the word poverty line”
– Define the word Children”

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روش تحقیق تا اسلاید 50

the ,of ,to ,a ,research ,your ,a research ,– if ,if so ,so use ,theoretical framework ,your theoretical framework ,your study اسلاید ,your research problem ,your findings اسلاید


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